Kashmir profile – BBC News

When India and Pakistan gained independence from British rule in 1947, the various princely rulers were able to choose which state to join. The Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, was the Hindu head of a majority Muslim state sandwiched between the two countries and could not decide. He signed an interim “standstill” agreement to maintain … Read more

Afghanistan country profile – BBC News

Some key dates in Afghanistan’s history: 18th Century – The modern state of Afghanistan begins with Ahmad Shah Durrani (ruled 1747-1772) and the Durrani Afghan Empire that at its maximum encompasses northern India and eastern Iran. 1826 – With the decline of Durrani dynasty Dost Mohammad Khan Barakzai becomes Emir of Afghanistan. 1839-42 – First … Read more

Afghanistan media guide – BBC News

Afghan media have faced difficulties since the Taliban took power in Kabul in August 2021. Outlets have endured severe restrictions, an economic crisis and waning Western support. There is growing self-censorship and editorial appeasement of the Taliban. Freedom of expression has largely disappeared. Music is no longer broadcast and women rarely appear in the media. … Read more

Bangladesh country profile – BBC News

Some key dates in the history of Bangladesh: 1204 – Muslim conquest of Bengal. 14th Century – Bengal sees the rise of three city-states; Sonargaon, Satgaon and Lakhnauti. 1352 – Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah unites the three city-states into the Bengal Sultanate, which dominates the area for much of the 14th, 15th and 16th Centuries. 17th … Read more

Bangladesh media guide – BBC News

TV is the most popular medium. State-owned BTV is the sole network with national terrestrial coverage. Satellite and cable channels and Indian TV stations have large audiences. State radio covers almost the entire country. BBC World Service in English and Bengali is heard on 100 FM in Dhaka. Newspapers are outspoken and privately-owned. English-language titles … Read more

Bhutan country profile – BBC News

1720 – Chinese imperial army invades and temporarily establishes control over Bhutan. 1772-73 – British intervention. 1864-65 – Further intervention by Britain. 1907 – Ugyen Wangchuck is chosen as hereditary ruler. 1910 – Treaty giving Britain control over foreign relations. 1949 – Treaty signed with newly-independent India guaranteeing non-interference in Bhutan’s internal affairs, but allowing … Read more

Bhutan media guide – BBC News

Television did not come to Bhutan until 1999. For years, the country cut itself off, fearing that outside influences would undermine its monarchy and culture. Radio broadcasting began in 1973 and the internet arrived in 1999. Media freedom is restricted. The creation in 2018 of a media regulator whose members are appointed by the government … Read more

India country profile – BBC News

Bharatiya Janata Party leader Narendra Modi was elected for a third term as India’s prime minister in June 2024. Mr Modi’s BJP-led National Democratic Alliance won the general election with 293 seats, a much lower margin than predicted by exit polls. The election saw a resurgence of India’s opposition, which won 234 seats. Mr Modi … Read more

India media guide – BBC News

India has a flourishing media scene, with thousands of outlets operating in multiple languages. There are around 197 million TV homes, many of them using direct-to-home satellite and cable services. Nearly 900 private satellite TV stations are on the air, around half of them devoted to news coverage. Doordarshan, the public TV, operates multiple services, … Read more